We want to be people so close to Christ that everyone in the world will know Him.
What this means for you…
At Bridgewood, we are all about people.
We’re all about people because God is all about people. One of the ways we express our love for Him is through our love for people, and we do that by helping each person who comes to Bridgewood take a next step in their relationship with God.
We’re saving a seat for you. Wherever you’re at in your faith journey, you are welcome here!
We love to gather together on the weekends to grow in our relationship with Jesus.
We connect in groups to live out God’s purposes in a culture where it’s easy to feel disconnected.
We want to be a safe and encouraging place for people to ask questions and explore their faith.
We serve our neighbors, both here in Michigan and around the world.
The story of Bridgewood Church is one of dreaming, belonging, believing, creating, and loving. It is centered on Jesus and anchored in God’s word. It is a story that looks to the future with hope. And it’s a story we want you to be a part of. Come join us on Sundays at our Clarkston Campus (8:30am, 10am & 11:30am) or at Goodrich Campus at 10am.
These 7 core values bring clarity to the things that matter most at Bridgewood. They guide how we achieve our mission, develop a unified sense of culture and commitment, and keep us focused on the unique call God has given us as a local church. We strive to:
Be Real…Am I being Transparent?
Keep Growing…How am I moving forward?
Live Open-Handedly…What am I holding that someone else needs?
Take Risks…Where am I stepping outside of my comfort zone?
Own It…Am I taking personal responsibility?
Stick Together…Am I committed to unity?
Love Everyone…Who am I intentionally investing in?