Jesus is the reason we’re here, so we want people to know Him! Here are some things we believe about God, His Word, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
We believe…
In One God
We believe in one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is the trinity.
The Bible is God’s Word
We believe the Bible is inspired by God and is truth without any mixture of error.
In Jesus Christ
We believe in Jesus Christ as He lived a sinless human life and offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all people by dying on a cross. He arose from the dead to demonstrate His power over sin and death.
In Salvation
We believe in salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ. Salvation is God’s free gift to us, but we must accept it. Only by trusting in Jesus Christ as God’s offer of forgiveness can anyone be saved from sin’s penalty.
In the Holy Spirit
We believe in the Holy Spirit. He is present in the world to make us aware of our need for Jesus Christ. He also lives in every Christian from the moment of salvation. He provides the Christ-follower with power for living, understanding of spiritual truth, and guidance in doing what is right. He gives spiritual gifts and desires to baptize Christ-followers with the fullness of His Spirit.
In the Power of the Church
We believe the purpose of the church is to glorify God by loving Him, obeying Him, and bringing His good news to the world. We believe in the necessity of believers to meet regularly together for community, teaching, and prayer.
Bridgewood Church is made up of people from many different church backgrounds, as well as many people with no church background at all. Our beliefs are truths that are guided by the Bible and are foundational to how we walk out our relationship with God.
Reading about our beliefs and values may be helpful, but this information alone cannot adequately convey who we are. The best way to learn about Bridgewood is to experience it relationally by connecting with us on a weekend, in a growth class, or in a LIFEgroup. We desire for you to come as you are and have an authentic experience of Jesus. Everyone is welcome here!
Bridgewood is affiliated with the Assemblies of God. For more information and a better understanding of the beliefs of the Assemblies of God click here.