Real questions. Practical Answers.
The Bible says the Holy Spirit is like a friend. A comforter. Someone who helps you and guides you. But when we hear the words “Holy Spirit,” we typically think of something mysterious or controversial. So, who is He? And why is He so misunderstood? This powerful and life-changing 8-week study will break down any stereotypes you may have about the Holy Spirit and help you discover core truths about the Holy Spirit and how He can change your life.
It’s time to learn how to hear and understand when the Holy Spirit is speaking to us.
Do you ever want MORE? More of God, more in your relationships, more ability to live for Christ successfully in all things?
Paul’s letter to the Ephesians says that “God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20). How do we walk ourselves into seeing that reality in our lives, according to God’s Word?
We will study the book of Ephesians, read how Paul wrote to help them as they struggled with these same concepts, and prayerfully learn how to break the frustrating cycle when we feel stuck and unable to move forward. We will travel back through media elements to imagine their reality, and for those who desire, take a field trip to U of M to view the oldest known copy of Paul’s letter, dated 100-125 years after it was written!
Are you ready to start? Maybe it’s a brand new start or a readiness to dig deeper. A readiness to learn the why behind the foundational building blocks of living a Christ-centered life. Sometimes retracing our steps to the start and learning proper form helps us run faster and stronger and gives us the tools to help others do the same!
Many attest to the life transformation that has come from the learning they receive in this important class. We hope you will be one of them!
It's a safe place to ask questions you’ve been wondering about. A safe place to decide what you believe. A safe place to take one step at a time toward the goal of growing your faith.
Transformation is the core of Christianity. This class will help you discover the power of true transformation through Christ. Rooted in biblical principles and practical application, "Transformed" will guide you through the process of renewing your mind, heart, and spirit to align with God's purpose. This class explores key themes such as the renewing of the mind (Romans 12:2), the Fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), and the call to become a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Whether you’re seeking personal growth, stronger relationships, or a more profound connection with God, this class equips you with the tools to experience lasting change. Come as you are and leave transformed!
Tuesday Evenings from 6:30-8:00 pm
Bridgewood Church - Main Auditorium
Teacher: Pastor Grant Williams
Each week Pastor Grant covers current events as they relate to the Bible and teaches the Bible with a specialty in identifying the end times events through the lens of scripture.
Alcoholics Anonymous® (AA) is a closed meeting of men and women who help each other stay sober and help others achieve sobriety. The primary purpose of AA is to carry its message of recovery to the alcoholic seeking help. AA takes place every Tuesday night at 7pm at our Clarkston campus.